PNPC is a joint venture company formed among SK ecoplant Co., Ltd. (SKeP), Korea Western Power Co., Ltd. (KOWEPO), RATCH Group Public Co., Ltd. (RATCH) and Lao Holding State Enterprise (LHSE).
SK ecoplant Co., Ltd. (SKeP)Since its founding in 1977, SKeP has continuously pursued stability and growth based on its top-notch technical expertise and outstanding management capabilities in various areas of construction including national infrastructure, housing, plants, eco-friendly incinerators and nuclear power plants, as well as its U-business that includes wireless mobile communication equipment. Through the years, the SKeP has been evolving and developing to create Build the Great, Great Life, Great World.
RATCH Group Public Co., Ltd. (RATCH Group)
RATCH Group Public Company Limited, a leading Investment company in the power generation business in Thailand, was founded on March 7, 2000. The Company currently has a registered paid-up capital of Baht 14,500 million. The Company is listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) under the trading symbol of "RATCH".
KOREA Western Power Co., Ltd.(KOWEPO)
Korea Western Power Co., Ltd.(KOWEPO), a leading supplier and innovator in the 21st century Korean power industry, started its power business in April 2001. KOWEPO takes up approximately 13% of the national generating capacity mostly comprised of thermal and combined cycle. KOWEPO was initiated in separation from Korea Electric Power Corporation under the Korea Power Industry Restructuring Act. KOWEPO is now in the process of deregulation and privatization process. KOWEPO has about 1,657 employees and its head office is located in Seoul, Korea.
LAO Holding State Enterprise (LHSE)
The Lao Holding State Enterprise is a 100% state owned enterprise. It was established as a business company in conformity with the Lao Business Law and the Prime Minister's Decree. The Lao Holding State Enterprise is invested solely by the Government of the Lao PDR represented by the Ministry of Finance.